Midori Kazoku Bushi Jujutsu was founded in 1986 by Rick Greene. It's a Gendai Bugei that combines  teachings of Aiki Jutsu, Kenpo Jutsu and Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu.

The curriculum is organized in a manner consistent with classical schools of Bugei. The teachings are divided into four levels by issuing of teaching licenses. This are SHODEN, CHUDEN, OKUDEN and MENKYO KAIDEN.

As with most classical schools of Bugei, there is no technical rankings similar to kyu/dan system more commonly associated with modern martial arts.

The art of Midori Kazoku Bushi Jujutsu is more than a self-defense. For those of us who've been captivated by it, it's simplicity to it's sophistication, the art is a lifelong journey !

Midori Kazoku Ryuha follows a very strong code of conduct, reiho/etquette. 

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